Advantages of dental bridgesA dental bridge is a long-lasting dental solution that connects a fake tooth to adjacent teeth or implants. It is an effective way to replace one or more missing teeth, which can enhance your ability to bite and chew food.

What are the benefits of dental bridges?

Dental bridges are dental procedure that substitutes missing teeth by linking a synthetic tooth or teeth to neighboring teeth or dental implants. It is crucial to replace absent teeth to avert possible dental complications and to reinstate the regular functioning of your teeth.

1. Prevents shifting of teeth

When teeth are missing from the mouth, adjacent teeth may move from their position as there’s no longer a tooth to keep them aligned. Dental bridges can stop teeth from shifting by filling the space with fake teeth or teeth.

2. Enhances your appearance

Dental bridges can improve your smile and overall appearance by substituting missing teeth. They can also enhance the look of your face by supporting facial muscles, as the absence of teeth can lead to bone loss and sunken facial muscles. Consequently, dental bridges can increase your confidence and self-esteem.

3. Durability

Under proper care, dental bridges usually have a lifespan of 8 to 10 years, but in certain cases, they may persist for up to 30 years.
Artificial teeth utilized in dental bridges are commonly constructed from durable materials like porcelain or ceramics, enabling them to endure the everyday activities of biting and speaking without problems.

4. Convenience

In contrast to dentures, dental bridges do not require removal for maintenance. They can be maintained like natural teeth, with minimal upkeep needed.

5. Less Eating Restrictions

Dental bridges permit you to consume most foods just like your natural teeth, such as apples, carrots, nuts, and popcorn, without any apprehension of dislodging or impairing the restoration. Nonetheless, it is advisable to wait until the bridge is entirely healed before eating hard or crunchy foods.
There are numerous benefits of dental bridges apart from substituting missing teeth. Find out more about their advantages.

What are the drawbacks of dental bridges?

Some drawbacks of having Dental Bridges are listed below.
• Poorly fitting dental bridges can cause tooth decay to form beneath the bridge. Nevertheless, in the absence of a dental bridge, teeth may shift and cause an uneven smile.
• The dental bridge may fail to hold correctly, leading to its collapse if the neighboring teeth are weak. To evade this problem, it is crucial to have a dentist evaluate the strength of the neighboring teeth before acquiring a dental bridge.
• The absence of a bridge might result in a gap in your mouth that may eventually cause additional dental issues, even if some dental bridges may call for the insertion of crowns over healthy teeth.

How does a dental bridge restore missing teeth?

A dental bridge is a dental procedure utilized to substitute one or more absent teeth, filling gaps in your smile with artificial teeth. It commonly involves placing crowns on each side of the space, acting as a foundation for the synthetic tooth or teeth in the center, which are then fixed in position using cement.

Losing a tooth can influence different aspects of your face since everything is interlinked. Over time, it can deteriorate the bone and cause the muscles to sag. However, substituting the lost tooth can help sustain the position of other teeth, promoting overall oral health and avoiding significant alterations to your facial appearance.

Does a dental bridge feel natural?

You can feel some minor discomfort and soreness while your mouth gets used to your bridge at first. A dental bridge is new to your mouth, so it may take two weeks for you to become used to it completely. The fixed bridge will thereafter feel as comfortable and natural as your natural teeth following that.

Are dental bridges natural looking?

Yes. A dental bridge looks like a row of teeth, but they are connected by a single piece. Because it is sturdy and closely resembles real tooth enamel, porcelain is widely used. Bridges are barely noticeable and can restore the natural contour of teeth.

Can you chew on a dental bridge?

It is normal to experience some discomfort or difficulty chewing after getting a dental bridge. However, if these symptoms persist for more than a week, it could indicate an infection or a poorly fitted bridge. In general, a well-fitted dental bridge should allow you to comfortably eat and chew your favorite foods without any noticeable changes.

What else you should know besides Benefits of Dental Bridges?

Besides the aesthetic and functional benefits of dental bridges, it is important to note that they are a permanent procedure. Once your teeth are prepared for a bridge, there is no going back. Additionally, bridges require good oral hygiene to prevent decay and gum disease. Flossing under a bridge can be challenging, but special floss threaders and brushes can help. With proper care, dental bridges can last for many years, making them an excellent option to replace a missing tooth with a dental bridge. If you’re considering this treatment, it’s essential to inquire about how much does a dental bridge cost to plan your dental care budget effectively.

Are you a candidate for dental bridge treatment? Don’t waste any time and call Dr. Amit Shah at Best Smiles Dental to schedule an appointment.