Dental Implant Repair


Dental implant repair is necessary when a dental implant fails, which can occur for various reasons such as faulty implant or placement, infection, nerve [...]

Dental Implant Repair2023-04-04T14:04:44+00:00

How to save money on Dental Implants Procedure?


A dental implant procedure replaces tooth roots with screw-like metal posts. The lost or damaged teeth are subsequently replaced with artificial teeth that closely mimic [...]

How to save money on Dental Implants Procedure?2023-03-09T01:39:34+00:00

Pros and Cons of Dental Implants


Dental implants are metal screw-like posts that take the place of broken or lost teeth. Dental implants perform the same way as your natural [...]

Pros and Cons of Dental Implants2022-12-21T11:31:57+00:00

Dental Implant Recovery Time


The healing time for dental implants typically lasts 3 to 6 months. Dental implants are metal posts used to replace missing or damaged teeth. [...]

Dental Implant Recovery Time2023-03-10T00:54:56+00:00
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