Six Common Root Canal Treatment Myths Debunked


Root canal therapy is intended to clean out the infected root canal, stop the tooth from becoming reinfected, and preserve the original tooth. Despite [...]

Six Common Root Canal Treatment Myths Debunked2023-11-16T16:41:20+00:00

Why Not Perform Tooth Extraction Instead of Root Canal?


A root canal technique comprises removing the diseased tissue and pulp, cleaning, filling, and sealing the tooth. Tooth extraction, on the other hand, is a [...]

Why Not Perform Tooth Extraction Instead of Root Canal?2023-03-09T02:02:40+00:00

Types of Root Canal Treatment


Root canal treatment aims to heal and save a severely damaged or diseased tooth. The most frequent root canal therapy does not involve surgery. [...]

Types of Root Canal Treatment2023-01-05T09:42:26+00:00
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