Saving on Tooth Extraction CostWithout insurance, the cost of a tooth extraction can range between $75 and $250. The most common and effective way to save money on tooth extraction is to use insurance, which reduces the cost to between $50 and $125. A dental extraction is used to remove teeth that have become unsalvageable due to tooth decay, periodontal disease, or dental trauma, particularly when they are accompanied by toothache.

A dental extraction may stop decay and disease from spreading to other teeth, gums, jawbone, and your circulatory system.

How Can I Cut the Cost of Tooth Extraction?

Insurance-friendly dentist

Tooth extractions are covered in different ways by different insurance companies. Most dental insurance plans cover the removal of partially or fully erupted or impacted teeth. Dental insurance covers anywhere from 50% to 80% of the total cost of having a tooth pulled.

Assistance from the Government

There are no government programs that help pay for tooth extraction surgery. You can apply for a loan from the government to help pay for a tooth extraction.

Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) are employee benefits that let you save money for out-of-pocket healthcare costs. FSAs are not taxed and can be used to pay for tooth extractions that are not covered by insurance. Learn more about FSAs here.

Health Savings Account (HSA)

A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a taxed account that is managed by the government. An HSA lets you save some of your income before taxes to pay for health care costs that your insurance doesn’t cover. High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP), which is part of an HSA, can pay for up to 35% of all dental costs. Find out more about HSAs.

Dentistry Schools

Dental schools charge less for tooth extractions. A dental student does the procedure under the watchful eye of a board-certified dentist.

In-house payment plans

Best Smiles Dental in , CA accepts most PPO plans. Patients can take advantage of our own in-house payment plan with 0% interest for those without insurance. You can use all major credit cards, like Visa, American Express, and Master Card, for our monthly payment plan. We also work with outside finance companies like Care Credit and Lending Club to help removing a tooth.

Several insurance companies pay for tooth extractions. You can still save money on a tooth extraction even if you don’t have insurance if your dentist gives you a discount for paying in full.

What are the Factors That Affect Tooth Extraction Cost?

The cost of a tooth extraction may depend on a number of things. Some of these things are whether you have impacted teeth, how bad they are, the type of impaction, whether you need anesthesia, and your location.

Is it Worth the Money to Have a Tooth Pulled?

Yes. Having a tooth pulled can stop disease and decay from spreading to other teeth, the gums, the jawbone, and your bloodstream.

What is the Cheapest Price for a Tooth Extraction?

This will depend on the terms of your dental plan. Expect to pay $50 to $125 for tooth extraction with insurance. A simple extraction without insurance costs between $75 and $250.

Can You Spread the Cost of a Tooth Extraction?

Yes. You will have to shoulder the total cost if you do not have insurance. Dentists, however, usually let you set up a payment plan. Ask your dentist before moving forward with the procedure.

Will I get a Discount if I Pay on the Same Day of the Tooth Extraction?

Not always will you get a cash discount if you pay in full on the day of your tooth extraction. It’s better to ask your dentist first if he has any special deals.

Is It Cheaper to Pull a Tooth or Get a Crown?

Yes. Getting a crown is much more expensive than having a tooth pulled. The price of pulling a tooth is between $75 and $250. A crown for a tooth costs between $1,000 and $1,500, with the most expensive ones costing about $2,500.

Which Insurance Provides the Best Coverage for Tooth Removal?

For restorative care, Cigna health insurance covers up to $1,500, and for orthodontics, it covers up to $1,000. Renaissance Dental is the next best coverage for tooth removal, which covers up to $1,000.

Why Does It Cost So Much to Pull a Tooth?

The tools used to pull a tooth are what make it so expensive. It costs a lot to buy and take care of dental tools.

Specialist Dr. Amit Shah will help you get ready for a tooth extraction and walk you through the whole process. Schedule an appointment with us today for Tooth Extraction Best Smiles Dental, call us so we can help you decide if you need a tooth pulled or not.