How To Care For Teeth VeneersA veneer’s longevity and the condition of your natural teeth depend on its proper care. Veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells custom-made to cover each tooth’s front surface. The dentist will remove enamel from your teeth to make space for veneers, which will conceal any chips, stains, or flaws and enhance the appearance of your teeth. Your teeth will be recorded in an impression so that veneers may be produced just for you. After tailoring the veneers to fit your teeth, the dentist will use a bonding agent to attach them to your teeth. The American Dental Association states that veneers can last up to 10 years.

How do you maintain dental veneers?

To effectively care for your dental veneers, you must practice good oral hygiene. Twice daily, use fluoride toothpaste, dental floss, and mouthwash to clean your teeth. Avoid eating excessive amounts of sweets and avoid biting anything hard. Avoid stains-causing foods and beverages, such as red wine and dark coffee. Your veneers will be damaged as well if you smoke or use tobacco.

Maintain good oral hygiene habits

After placing veneers, it is essential to maintain proper oral hygiene. Your natural teeth will continue to be susceptible to degeneration, cavities, and erosion if you do not effectively manage your oral health. Even after obtaining veneers, you are still prone to gum disease. The most effective toothpaste for porcelain veneers is a fluoride gel toothpaste. Tobacco use and excessive tooth cleaning can also lead to gum recession. Brush your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste, floss your teeth, and use mouthwash to prevent gum disease.

Protect teeth if playing sports

Maintaining the safety of your veneers while participating in sports is essential. Participating in any contact sport requires protecting your teeth with a mouthguard. Wear a helmet to safeguard your veneers if you participate in a contact sport. Use toothpaste that strengthens enamel if you are a competitive swimmer. Low-pH swimming pools can be acidic, eroding the enamel on your teeth.

See your dentist regularly

Frequent dental visits are necessary once veneers have been inserted. Poor dental and treatment procedures may damage veneers. Visit the dentist frequently in order to maintain healthy teeth.

Don’t chew hard materials or food

Do not consume hard or chewy foods after receiving veneers. Chewing on something hard may cause veneers to shatter. Avoid consuming raw veggies, ice, and pencils. If you chew on hard substances, your veneers will be damaged and will not last as long.

Don’t consume foods and drinks that cause staining

Avoid meals and drinks that might discolor your veneers. Avoid dark drinks such as coffee, dark wines, and berry juices. Additionally, tomato-based sauces, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, and sticky candies may discolor your veneers.

Don’t grind and clench your teeth

After receiving veneers, avoid clenching or grinding your teeth. Avoid bruxism, the behavior of clenching, grinding or protruding your jaw forward. Your veneers may crack, chip, or become loose if you grind your teeth often.

Don’t smoke

After having porcelain veneers, avoid smoking. Eventually, smoking makes the adhesive used to attach veneers brown or yellow. Smoking will negatively impact the health of your natural teeth and discolor them.

What to expect after getting dental veneers?

After receiving veneers, you may have tooth sensitivity and gum discomfort. The bonding agents used to attach the veneers may cause oral discomfort. You may feel different in how you normally chew, consume, or talk after receiving veneers. You should grow acclimated to veneers after a few weeks.

What is the dental veneer recovery process?

After veneer placement, tooth sensitivity and gum soreness are common complaints. After the anesthesia has worn off, you may have soft meals one to a half hours after your session. It may take a few weeks to adjust to your veneers and for any mild sensitivity to subside totally. Your veneers and underlying natural teeth depend on the quality of your brushing, flossing, and oral hygiene practices.

Do you still need to go to the dentist with dental veneers?

Even after getting veneers, you must to visit the dentist. It is essential to have frequent dental checkups after receiving veneers in order to maintain good oral hygiene. Frequent dental checkups are necessary for maintaining healthy teeth.

What foods can you eat with dental veneers?

After a few weeks, you will be able to consume most foods with your veneers, however it is recommended that you keep to soft foods that won’t stain or damage your teeth. You should only consume soft foods for the first two weeks after obtaining veneers. It is advisable to have chicken, spaghetti, mashed potatoes, bananas, and soft bread following veneer placement.

Dr. Amit Shah at Best Smiles Dental is a dentist who specializes in dental veneers. Dr. Amit Shah ensures that patients will leave his office with a better, brighter smile.